av S Heldt Cassel · 2013 · Citerat av 44 — 2013 (English)In: Journal of Transport Geography, ISSN 0966-6923, E-ISSN 1873-1236, Vol. 28, p. 49-55Article in journal (Refereed)
Journal of Transport Geography. ISSN: 0966-6923. Visit Journal website. Datasets associated with articles published in Journal of Transport Geography
Community mobility MAUP-ing: A socio-spatial investigation of bikeshare demand in Chicago. Journal of Transport Transport Accessibility Poverty Employment Spatial mismatch abstract Journal of Transport Geography 18 (2010) 42–54 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect 期刊名称: Journal of Transport Geography. 中文名称 :《运输地理学报》 ISSN: 0966-6923. 2016 年影响因子 : 2.09.
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Journal of Transport Geography ISO4 Standard-Abkürzung: "J Transp Geogr".ISO 4 (Information and documentation – Rules for the abbreviation of title words and titles of publications) ist ein internationaler Standard der Internationalen Organisation für Normung (ISO), der ein einheitliches System zur Abkürzung von Publikationen wie Journal of Transport Geography A major resurgence has occurred in transport geography in the wake of political and policy changes, huge transport infrastructure projects and responses to urban Journal of Transport Geography IF is increased by a factor of 1.04 and approximate percentage change is 35.14% when compared to preceding year 2017, which shows a rising trend. The impact factor (IF), also denoted as Journal impact factor (JIF), of an academic journal is a measure of the yearly average number of citations to recent articles published in that journal. Journal of Transport Geography Abbreviazione del Diario Standard (ISO4): « J Transp Geogr ». ISO 4 è uno standard internazionale che definisce il sistema per le abbreviazioni presenti nelle pubblicazioni. L'ISSN International Centre, che l'ISO ha designato come autorità di registrazione per l'ISO 4, conserva la List of Title Word Abbreviations, contenente abbreviazioni per le abbreviazioni T.E. Notteboom/Journal of Transport Geography 22 (2012) 164-178 165 the islands of Madagascar and Mauritius are considered remote to the main network and are served by a limited number of container carriers (mainly Maersk Line, MSC, MOL, Evergreen and CMA CGM). There are no hub-and-spoke and relay/interlining operations in the Se hela listan på tsu.ox.ac.uk Journal of Transport Geography 19 (2011) 1309–1319 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Transport Geography journal homepage: www.elsevier.com a Department of Geosciences and Geography, University of Helsinki, P.O. Box 64 Journal of Transport Geography 31 (2013) 143–153 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect 期刊名称: Journal of Transport Geography. 中文名称 :《运输地理学报》 ISSN: 0966-6923.
46 J. Allen et al./Journal of Transport Geography 24 (2012) 45–57. in their premises, converting for activities which will pro-vide better financial returns (e.g. increased sales areas). This has led to the suburbanisation of warehousing, being relo-
More-over, one of the earliest DRT services in rural Scotland was redesigned “Visualising Transport Geography” offers to the authors a channel for publishing transport-related geographical information as a map, a cartogram or a spatial diagram (hereafter: the visualisation) without involving a full academic paper. The map will go with a relatively short comment, the whole material counting for two journal’s pages. Confederation of Transport Enterprises, 2018).
Journal of Transport Geography 19.4 (2011): 950-959. Black, William R. “An Unpopular Essay On Transportation.” Journal of Transport Geography 9.1 (2001):
Additional searchable ISSN (Electronic), 0966-6923, 1873-1236. Publisher, Elsevier Bowen, J. 2000: Airline hubs in Southeast Asia: national economic development and nodal accessibility. Journal of Transport Geography 8(1): 25—41. As he does throughout the book, Shell demon- strates an impressive geographic scope of analysis. These animal based transport modes are particularly adept Journal of Transport Geography 19.4 (2011): 950-959.
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Journal of Transport Geography Abréviation Standard du Journal (ISO4): « J Transp Geogr ». L' ISO 4 (Information et documentation - Règles pour l'abréviation des mots dans les titres et des titres des publications) est une norme de l'Organisation internationale de normalisation (ISO) qui définit un système uniforme pour les abréviations des titres des publications en séries.
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I: Journal of Transport Geography. 2020 ; Vol. 88. Reinterpreting the role of primary and secondary airports in low-cost carrier expansion in Europe. / Jimenez,
Perceived accessibility of public transport as a potential indicator of At KTH he was attached to the Integrated Transport Research Lab at the the School of of Transportation Research part A and Journal of Transport Geography. Att kompensera för avstånd?: transportstödet 1970-1995-ideologi, ekonomi och stigberoende Journal of Transport Geography 24, 182-188, 2012. 7, 2012.
Dr. Cidell is urban geographer who studies transportation and mobility, urban of the Journal of Transport Geography and The Professional Geographer.
Editor-in-Chief Frank Witlox, PhD. Ghent University Department of Geography, Krijgslaan 281 S8, 9000, Gent, Belgium, Fax: +32 (0)9 264 49 85 Phone +32479955956 Email Frank Witlox, PhD. Associate Editors Julie Cidell. Division of Russian Studies, Central and Eastern European Studies, Yiddish, and European Studies. Central and Eastern European Studies.
Google Scholar | Crossref Yamada, I, Brown, BB, Smith, KR, Zich, CD, Kowaleski-Jones, L, Fan, JX ( 2012 ) Mixed land use and obesity: An empirical comparison of alternative land use measures and geographical scales . Journal description. A major resurgence has occurred in transport geography in the wake of political and policy changes, huge transport infrastructure projects and responses to urban traffic Journal of Transport Geography 2020-06-15 Towards a maintenance-based approach to mode shift: Comparing two cases of Dutch cycling policy using social practice theory Journal of Transport Geography 2020-06-21 A major resurgence has occurred in transport geography in the wake of political and policy changes, huge transport infrastructure projects and responses to urban traffic congestion. The Journal of Transport Geography is designed to provide a central focus for developments in this rapidly expanding sub-discipline. The Journal of Transport Geography is a leading interdisciplinary journal focusing on the geographical dimensions of transport, travel and mobility. It is international in its outlook, and welcomes both conceptual papers and theoretically-informed, empirically-oriented contributions on the movement of people, goods and/or information by any mode and at every geographical scale.